Repub­li­can Sam Brown ele­vates ‘out­sider’ per­sona in effort to flip Neva­da Sen­ate seat

Republican Sam Brown elevates ‘outsider’ persona in effort to flip Nevada Senate seat

EXCLUSIVE — Retired Army Capt. Sam Brown nev­er saw him­self get­ting into pol­i­tics.
But after being forced to retire from the mil­i­tary due to an ambush that left 30% of his body burned and the loss of his left index fin­ger, Brown and his wife looked to oth­er ways to serve their coun­try — spark­ing a decade­long jour­ney of run­ning for pub­lic office that began with a con­ver­sa­tion at his din­ner table.
“I didn’t come up through the polit­i­cal sys­tem. I’m an out­sider, a vet­er­an who got wound­ed and, came back,” Brown told the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er in an inter­view. “I real­ly thought the mil­i­tary was going to be my pro­fes­siona …