Kamala Har­ris’ Hus­band Admits To Impreg­nat­ing Babysit­ter While Cheat­ing On First Wife

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ hus­band, Doug Emhoff, admit­ted that he cheat­ed on his first wife with the couple’s babysit­ter after a report was pub­lished on Sat­ur­day that said the mar­riage end­ed after he got the babysit­ter preg­nant.
The Dai­ly Mail report­ed that Emhoff cheat­ed on his then-wife, Ker­stin Emhoff, with Najen Nay­lor, who also taught at the pri­vate school that the couple’s chil­dren attend­ed.
“Dur­ing my first mar­riage, Ker­stin and I went through some tough times on account of my actions,” Doug Emhoff said in a state­ment sev­er­al hours after the report was pub­lished. “I took respon­si­bil­i­ty, and in the years since, we worked through things as a fam­i­ly and have come out stronger on the oth­er side.” …