CNN Cites Tal­iban’s SHARIA LAW for Their Inno­cence in $1 Bil­lion Defama­tion Suit

<div>CNN Cites Taliban's SHARIA LAW for Their Innocence in  Billion Defamation Suit</div>

In their motion for sum­ma­ry judg­ment filed last week regard­ing the $1 bil­lion defama­tion suit against them, CNN argued that their alleged­ly defam­a­to­ry report­ing accus­ing Plain­tiff and Navy vet­er­an Zachary Young of a crime was fac­tu­al­ly true because his efforts to get women and chil­dren out Afghanistan were ille­gal under Tal­iban law; or as it’s more infa­mous­ly know: Sharia law. All as the U.S. approach­es the three-year anniver­sary of the U.S. with­draw­al from Afghanistan.
CNN’s open­ing para­graphs not­ed that Young had worked “to have women smug­gled out of Afghanistan,” and argued “dis­cov­ery has indi­cat­ed that those …