Kari Lake to hold ‘Democ­rats for Lake’ event after Democ­rats tout Repub­li­can sup­port for Har­ris, Gal­lego

<div>Kari Lake to hold 'Democrats for Lake' event after Democrats tout Republican support for Harris, Gallego</div>

GOP Ari­zona Sen­ate can­di­date Kari Lake announced Tues­day an event that will fea­ture cur­rent and for­mer Democ­rats sup­port­ing her campaign.The coali­tion, called “Democrats/former Democ­rats for Kari Lake & Amer­i­ca First,” was revealed after Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ cam­paign announced its “Repub­li­cans for Har­ris” ini­tia­tive, which held a press con­fer­ence in Mesa, Ari­zona, and after Lake’s oppo­nent for Sen­ate, Rep. Ruben Gal­lego, D‑Ariz., announced his “Repub­li­cans and Inde­pen­dents for Ruben” coalition.Lake called on mem­bers of the press to give her event, which will be held Thurs­day, as much cov­er­age as the events for Har­ris and Gallego.‘NEVER TRUMPERS’ COALESCE BEHIND DEM TICKET IN REPUBLICANS FOR HARRIS CAMPAIGN“Hello Media— We see how you have giv­en Kamala and her favorite lib­er­al con­gress­man Ruben Gal­lego so much news cov­er­age of …