Near­ly a quar­ter of all DC office space is emp­ty

Down­town Wash­ing­ton, D.C., is see­ing a record amount of emp­ty office space, accord­ing to a report.
A study by real estate firms CBRE Group and JLL said near­ly a quar­ter of all office space in Wash­ing­ton is emp­ty, accord­ing to 7News, lead­ing to a large num­ber of vacan­cies and “For Lease” ads through­out the city. Between April and June, more than half a mil­lion square feet of office space lay emp­ty in Wash­ing­ton, accord­ing to the report, a record high for the city.
A 2023 fore­cast by May­or Muriel Bowser’s office acknowl­edged an increase in emp­ty office space and blamed the trend on the pan­dem­ic, and less than half of Wash­ing­ton office work­ers are work­ing on-site com­pared to pre-pan­dem­ic lev­els, accord­ing to data from secu­ri­ty firm Kas­tle.
“For the last two decades, Down­town has seen tra­di­tion­al office occu­pan­cy decrease and vacan­cy rates increase,” th …