Reces­sion would pose worst-case sce­nario for Har­ris cam­paign

It would be a worst-case sce­nario for Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris if the econ­o­my starts to fall into a reces­sion, a pos­si­bil­i­ty that has recent­ly received more atten­tion.
While most econ­o­mists still think a reces­sion is unlike­ly, a lack­lus­ter employ­ment report for July, which saw unem­ploy­ment tick­ing up for the fourth month in a row, plus a mas­sive stock sell-off on Mon­day is rais­ing con­cerns that the econ­o­my may quick­ly turn south. Such a down­turn would be a polit­i­cal bunker buster for the Har­ris cam­paign, which has gained steam in recent days.
“If this isn’t just a blip and becomes a broad­er and more severe eco­nom­ic prob­lem, I think it dooms Har­ris,” Jason Roe, a vet­er­an Repub­li­can con­sul­tant, told the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er on Mon­day.
Wall Street and glob­al mark …