Van Jones Admits Walz Pick Appeals to ‘Anti-Jew­ish Big­ots’ Among Democ­rats

On Tues­day’s CNN News­room Jim Acos­ta host­ed Van Jones who com­ment­ed on Gov­er­nor Tim Walz (D‑MN) being announced as Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s run­ning mate for pres­i­dent. Shock­ing­ly, he called out the pick as an appeal to “the dark­er parts in the par­ty” in terms of “anti-Jew­ish big­ots” and claimed they will vote for Walz regard­less.

Acos­ta teed up Jones’s take on the pick by not­ing that some doubt that Penn­syl­va­nia Gov­er­nor Josh Shapiro (D) would “offe …