Jum­bled polls show Trump up, surge in mil­len­ni­als and Gen­er­a­tion X

Nation­al polit­i­cal polls are strug­gling to grap­ple with the revived Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial tick­et, but two that have been updat­ing reg­u­lar­ly show an advan­tage for for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump over Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris.
CNBC and Ras­mussen Reports have new data on Thurs­day giv­ing Trump an edge, with CNBC attribut­ing his lead to grow­ing con­cerns about the econ­o­my and a surge of sup­port from mid­dle-aged vot­ers.
CNBC said Trump leads by 2 points, 48%-46%, with­in the mar­gin of error.
In that sur­vey, Trump leads Har­ris 2‑to‑1 on who would han­dle the econ­o­my bet­ter.
What’s more, while Har­ris has helped to revive Demo­c­ra­t­ic sup­port from youth­ful vot­ers, there has been a swing to Trump among mil­len­ni­als and Gen­er­a­tion X vot­ers.
“Young vot­ers showed far greater sup­port for Har­ris than they did for Biden, back­ing the vice pres­i­dent now by 10 points, com­pared to back­ing Trump by 2 points in the NBC July poll. That was off­set by a big swing of 12 points among vot­ers aged 35–49 towards Trump. The age group now sup­ports Trump by 9 points,” the sto­ry on the poll said.