A segment of Republicans skeptical of former President Donald Trump are hoping, both publicly and in private, that he loses decisively in November so the party can move past him.
Most Republicans, including former critics like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R‑KY) and Club for Growth President Dave McIntosh, have publicly coalesced around Trump despite past misgivings over his 2020 loss and subsequent efforts to overturn the election.
But privately, some are supportive of Vice President Kamala Harris defeating him, believing it would be a temporary setback that brings the party back to its pre-Trump identity.
“Our party has been hijacked by Trump and MAGA since 2016, so I think there’s a feeling among some of us that we’d like to move on,” said an aide to a Republican senator, speaking on condition of anonymity to reflect candidly on the matter.
“We’ve seen what has happ …