Trump touts for­eign pol­i­cy chops at Fox News town hall: ‘I was the tough­est on Rus­sia’

<div>Trump touts foreign policy chops at Fox News town hall: 'I was the toughest on Russia'</div>

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump told a Fox News town hall in Penn­syl­va­nia on Wednes­day night that he was the “tough­est” on Rus­sia and that sev­er­al glob­al con­flicts would not have hap­pened under his watch. “I was the tough­est on Rus­sia. Putin would even say, you know, if you’re not the tough­est guy, you are, you’re killing us,” Trump told Sean Han­ni­ty while dis­cussing his actions oppos­ing the Nord Stream pipeline. “I’d hate to see you if you were real­ly tough.”“This was the biggest job they’ve ever had and I stopped it.“Trump con­tin­ued, “We have things going on in the world right now with Israel and with the Mid­dle East, it’s blow­ing up. It’s blow­ing up. We have Ukraine and Rus­sia. That would nev­er hap­pen. That …