Record 3.2 mil­lion migrants to cross in, take US jobs

Record 3.2 million migrants to cross in, take US jobs

A record 3.2 mil­lion migrants are expect­ed to cross into the Unit­ed States this year, 1 mil­lion more than dur­ing past spikes in the Rea­gan and Clin­ton eras, accord­ing to a new out­look.
“We fore­cast U.S. south­west bor­der encoun­ters by Cus­toms and Bor­der Patrol at 2.7 mil­lion for FY 2024, based on the last three months of data, adjust­ed sea­son­al­ly. Appre­hen­sions look to come in just a hair above 2023 lev­els. Inad­mis­si­bles, those pre­sent­ing at offi­cial cross­ing points with­out appro­pri­ate doc­u­men­ta­tion, are slat­ed to rise by almost 200,000,” Prince­ton Pol­i­cy Advi­sors said in its lat­est analy­sis.

Add in parolees and “got­aways,” and the num­ber jumps anoth­er 500,000.
“Undoc­u­ment­ed entry has explod­ed under the Biden administration’s Open Bor­ders pol­i­cy, ris­ing from an esti­mat­ed 1.1 mil­lion in 2021 to our fore­cas …