Con­cerns remain about pas­sage of a bill that paves way for nat­ur­al gas ban in WA

Concerns remain about passage of a bill that paves way for natural gas ban in WA

(The Cen­ter Square) – One of the most con­tro­ver­sial bills passed by the Wash­ing­ton State Leg­is­la­ture this ses­sion has yet to be signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee.
Engrossed Sub­sti­tute House Bill 1589, dubbed by crit­ics as the “nat­ur­al gas ban bill,” would allow util­i­ties – that is, Puget Sound Ener­gy – to start plan­ning how to move away from nat­ur­al gas. 
Inslee is expect­ed to sign the bill, a cor­ner­stone of Inslee’s agen­da to fight cli­mate change, into law. 
Sen. Andy Bil­lig, D‑Spokane, is a staunch defend­er of ESHB 1589.
“The state is mov­ing away from nat­ur­al gas, and con­sumers are mak­ing that ch …