Trump’s $464 mil­lion bond is ‘prac­ti­cal impos­si­bil­i­ty’ to pay: Lawyers

Trump’s 4 million bond is ‘practical impossibility’ to pay: Lawyers

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump is unable to secure a mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar bond to cov­er penal­ties he owes in a civ­il fraud case in New York, his attor­neys said in a court fil­ing Mon­day.
Trump and his for­mer Trump Orga­ni­za­tion asso­ciates owe the state $464 mil­lion, includ­ing penal­ties, and while Trump is appeal­ing the rul­ing against him, he must still guar­an­tee the full amount by March 25. Post­ing a bond would allow Trump to do this while his appeal pro­ceeds.
“The prac­ti­cal impos­si­bil­i­ty of obtain­ing a bond inter­feres with Defen­dants’ right to appeal and threat­ens this Court’s appel­late juris­dic­tion,” Trump’s attor­neys wrote.
They argued that “very few bond­ing com­pa­nies” would even con­sid­er pro­vid­ing a bond “of any­thing approach­ing that mag­ni­tude.”
They asked the appel …