Bill Maher, John Cleese Trash The New York Times for Left­ist Tilt and Seri­ous Omis­sions

John Cleese vis­it­ed Bill Maher’s “Club Ran­dom,” this week, and the con­ver­sa­tion quick­ly went woke.
By “woke,” we mean the come­di­ans took turns trash­ing the far-Left move­ment. Noth­ing sur­pris­ing there. Both com­ic super­stars have spo­ken at length against the cul­tur­al scourge.
They might be the movement’s most vocal crit­ics.
What proved far more shock­ing is how the pro­gres­sives tag-teamed against the Old Gray Lady.
The New York Times has been an inte­gral part of lib­er­al life for decades. The paper always leaned to the Left, and for many that per­spec­tive proved com­fort­ing. It embraced their world view and told a rea­son­able fac­sim­i­le to the truth.
Not any­more, each lament­ed.

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Maher brought up a recur­ring sec­tion …