Tam­my Mur­phy drops out of New Jer­sey Sen­ate race

Tammy Murphy drops out of New Jersey Senate race

New Jer­sey first lady Tam­my Mur­phy (D‑NJ) announced the sus­pen­sion of her cam­paign for New Jersey’s Sen­ate race.
In a video state­ment post­ed on X Sun­day after­noon, Mur­phy said that she was drop­ping out in order to avoid a “divi­sive” pri­ma­ry and ensure a Demo­c­ra­t­ic vic­to­ry. Murphy’s drop­ping out clears the way for Rep. Andy Kim (D‑NJ), who expe­ri­enced a surge in sup­port, in his bid to replace embat­tled Sen. Bob Menen­dez (D‑NJ).
“After many busy, invig­o­rat­ing, and yes, chal­leng­ing months, I am sus­pend­ing my Sen­ate cam­paign today,” she said. “I have been gen­uine and fac­tu­al through­out. But it is clear to me that con­tin­u­ing in this race will involve wag­ing a very divi­sive and neg­a­tive cam­paign which I am not will­ing to do.”
“New Jersey‘s next sen­a­tor must focus on the issues of our time,” she added. “And not be mired in tear­ing oth­ers down while divid­ing the peo­ple of our par­ty and state. …