Reid “Los­ing Her Mind” Chris­t­ian Con­ser­v­a­tive Trump-Sup­port­ers Exist

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Reid "Losing Her Mind" Christian Conservative Trump-Supporters Exist
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Accord­ing to Joy Reid, host of MSNBC’s The Rei­d­Out, MAGA groups are not only com­mit­ting idol­a­try by sup­port­ing Don­ald Trump, but addi­tion­al­ly, Trump was a cult leader sim­i­lar to Charles Man­son, David Kore­sh, and Jim Jones. Sad­ly, this was not an April Fools prank. Reid spout­ed para­phras­es of Bible sto­ries like the ser­mon on the mount, the cru­ci­fix­ion of Christ, and the gold­en calf to empha­size her the­o­ry that Trump sup­port­ers were heinous­ly sin­ning by idol­iz­ing him and join­ing his cult.
While some obsessed Trump sup­port­ers might go so far as to treat Trump as a celebri­ty, it was pre­pos­ter­ous to liken MAGA to the cults cre­at­ed and fos­tered by mass mur­der­ers like Man­son, Jones, or Kore­sh. And, with­out evi­dence, Reid sug­gest­ed Trump was call­ing him­self God:

It’s kind of David Kore­sh. It’s kind of Jim J …