Gal­lego more than dou­bles quar­ter­ly fundrais­ing with Sine­ma out of Ari­zona Sen­ate race

Gallego more than doubles quarterly fundraising with Sinema out of Arizona Senate race

Rep. Ruben Gallego’s (D‑AZ) cam­paign announced it raised $7.5 mil­lion in the first three months of the year, more than dou­bling his pri­or quar­ter­ly fil­ings after Sen. Kyrsten Sine­ma (I‑AZ) decid­ed against run­ning for reelec­tion last month.
Gallego’s fundrais­ing haul far exceeds the $3.3 mil­lion he raised last quar­ter. He also report­ed that he has $9.6 mil­lion in cash on hand. His new fundrais­ing num­bers come a month after Sine­ma bowed out of a race that could ulti­mate­ly decide which par­ty con­trols the upper cham­ber in Novem­ber.
The Ari­zona Demo­c­ra­t­ic con­gress­man is like­ly to face Kari Lake, the front-run­ning Repub­li­can can­di­date, in a race now con­sid­ered a toss-up by the Cook Polit­i­cal Report. Gal­lego is among the first …