Col­umn: Jour­nal­ists Boast They’re Not for Democ­rats, They’re for ‘True Facts’

<div>Column: Journalists Boast They're Not for Democrats, They're for 'True Facts'</div>

Nation­al Pub­lic Radio may be fund­ed by tax­pay­er dol­lars, but its audi­ence is firm­ly on the Left. It’s lit­er­al­ly New York Times Radio, as The Dai­ly pod­cast from The Times airs on almost 300 NPR sta­tions every week­day. Inside this air­less lib­er­al silo, they can grow very arro­gant about how they Save Democ­ra­cy.
On April Fools Day, host Michael Bar­baro brought on Times polit­i­cal reporter Jim Ruten­berg to dis­cuss “Ron­na McDaniel, TV News, and the Trump Prob­lem.” Ruten­berg should be best known for his infa­mous 2016 front-page edi­to­r­i­al announc­ing objec­tiv­i­ty was offi­cial­ly going in the trash can (as if it was vibrant­ly observed before).  
Ruten­berg described the Trump Prob­lem: “If you’re a work­ing jour­nal­ist and you believe that Don­ald J. Trump is a dem­a­gogue play­ing to the nation’s worst …