Supreme Court mulling briefs from Trump allies and ex-offi­cials in immu­ni­ty bid

Supreme Court mulling briefs from Trump allies and ex-officials in immunity bid

The Supreme Court will soon weigh Don­ald Trump‘s claim that pres­i­den­tial immu­ni­ty should shield him from pros­e­cu­tion — prompt­ing for­mer gen­er­als, offi­cials, and allied legal minds to chime in on the for­mer president’s argu­ment.
So far, 18 groups have sub­mit­ted ami­cus briefs or “friend of the court” fil­ings relat­ed to the immu­ni­ty case that express a range of ideas sur­round­ing Trump’s argu­ments that he enjoys “absolute immu­ni­ty” from crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion for his offi­cial acts. Low­er courts thus far have denied Trump’s effort to avoid tri­al over a four-count indict­ment by spe­cial coun­sel Jack Smith accus­ing the for­mer pres­i­dent of attempt­ing to upend the results of the 2020 elec­tion.

In this June 24, 2019, pho­to, the emp­ty court­room is seen at the U.S. Supreme Court in Wash­ing­ton. (AP Photo/J. Scott Apple­white)

On April 25 …