NPR Insid­er Uri Berlin­er: We Down­played Glob­al ‘Explo­sion of Anti­se­mit­ic Hate’

<div>NPR Insider Uri Berliner: We Downplayed Global 'Explosion of Antisemitic Hate'</div>

Joseph Wulf­sohn at explored what NPR senior edi­tor Uri Berlin­er wrote about Israel in his bomb­shell expose at The Free Press, run by for­mer New York Times edi­to­r­i­al writer Bari Weiss. This may be the biggest insid­er sto­ry since Bernard Gold­berg wrote about CBS News in his book Bias. But in this case, Berlin­er is still inside NPR….at least, for now.
First, he men­tioned Israel on a list: “There’s an unspo­ken con­sen­sus about the sto­ries we should pur­sue and how they should be framed. It’s frictionless—one sto­ry after anoth­er about instances of sup­posed racism, trans­pho­bia, signs of the cli­mate apoc­a­lypse, Israel doing some­thing bad, and the dire threat of Repub­li­can poli­cies. It’s almost like an assem­bly line.”
Then he was more spe­cif­ic:

We have approached the Israel-Hamas war and its spillover onto streets and cam­pus­es through the ‘inter­sec­tion­al’ lens that has jumped from the fac­ul­ty lounge to news­rooms. Oppres­sor ver­sus oppressed. That …