OJ Simp­son dead: White House sends ‘thoughts’ to for­mer foot­ball star’s fam­i­ly

OJ Simpson dead: White House sends ‘thoughts’ to former football star’s family

The White House expressed con­do­lences to the fam­i­ly of for­mer foot­ball star and actor O.J. Simp­son fol­low­ing his Wednes­day death from can­cer.
Simp­son, who won a Heis­man Tro­phy play­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia before embark­ing on a Hall of Fame NFL career, polar­ized the nation after he was charged and even­tu­al­ly acquit­ted in 1995 of the mur­der of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simp­son and her friend Ron Gold­man.
“Our thoughts are with his fam­i­lies through this dif­fi­cult time, obvi­ous­ly his fam­i­ly and loved ones,” White House press sec­re­tary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Thurs­day when asked about Simpson’s death and if he had ever inter­act­ed with Pres­i­dent Joe Biden. “And I’ll say this. I know they have asked for some pri­va­cy, so we are going to respect that. I’ll just leave it there.”

The White House expressed con­do­lences to the fam­i­ly of for­mer foot­ball star and actor O.J. Simp­son fol­low­ing his Wednes­day death from can­cer.

Simpson’s fam­i­ly annou …