Netanyahu warns Iran: ‘Any­one who hits us, we hit them’

Netanyahu warns Iran: ‘Anyone who hits us, we hit them’

Israel’s fight­er pilots may soon face “chal­lenges in oth­er sec­tors” than Gaza, accord­ing to Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu, who vis­it­ed an air base in a thin­ly-veiled threat to Iran.
“We have deter­mined a sim­ple rule: Who­ev­er harms us, we will harm them,” Netanyahu told Israel Defense Forces (IDF) per­son­nel on Thurs­day. “We are pre­pared to meet all of the secu­ri­ty needs of the State of Israel, both defen­sive­ly and offen­sive­ly.”
Netanyahu vis­it­ed the IDF base as Israeli offi­cials brace for a poten­tial attack from Iran, which has vowed to pun­ish Israel for the bomb­ing of an Iran­ian diplo­mat­ic annex in Syr­ia that killed a key senior Islam­ic Rev­o­lu­tion­ary Guard Corps gen­er­al. Iran­ian offi­cials main­tain that retal­i­a­tion is “imper­a­tive,” but a widen­ing array of region­al and i …