Dai­ly Show Claims Pro-Life Men Are ‘A Ridicu­lous Embar­rass­ment’

Com­e­dy Central’s The Dai­ly Show brought out all the cringe on Thurs­day as temp host Michael Kos­ta labeled a recent Fox Busi­ness seg­ment between Mark Simone and Lar­ry Kud­low dis­cussing abor­tion as “a ridicu­lous embar­rass­ment.” That led him to do a sketch with Jor­dan Klep­per where the two pre­tend­ed to be stereo­typ­i­cal macho men who claimed to be pro-life, but also didn’t know how babies are made or what an abor­tion is.
Kos­ta wrapped up the straight­for­ward mono­logue on the FBN seg­ment by intro­duc­ing the sketch, “Now, a pan­el of men talk­ing about abor­tion might seem like a …