Hostin Fears Trump Vot­er Will ‘Sneak’ onto Jury By Say­ing ‘I Hate Trump’

Hostin Fears Trump Voter Will ‘Sneak’ onto Jury By Saying ‘I Hate Trump’

On Tuesday’s edi­tion of The View, ABC’s staunch­ly racist and anti-Semit­ic co-host, Sun­ny Hostin (the descen­dant of slave own­ers) proved once again why she’s a for­mer fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor. Speak­ing about the upcom­ing hush-mon­ey tri­al against for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump, Hostin pro­claimed that she feared the impar­tial jury would be infil­trat­ed by a Trump sup­port­er who would “lie” by telling the court the con­tra­dic­to­ry state­ment: “I hate Trump. But I can be impar­tial.”
Hostin admit­ted she was “excit­ed” for the tri­al, call­ing it “a legal nerd’s Super Bowl.” When faux con­ser­v­a­tive Alyssa Farah Grif­fin not­ed “They haven’t even picked a juror,” Hostin boast­ed about the jurors who said they couldn’t be impar­tial: “But that’s excit­ing to some­one like me because 50 peo­ple said ‘I can’t even be impar­tial,’ which I admire them for their forth­right­ness and their hon­esty because you have to be hon­est when you’re a juror.”
But while claim­ing she “still believe[d] they will be able to find an impar­tial jury,” Hostin con­tra­dict­ed her­self by adding: “They’re nev­er going to find that.” She then went on to hype how the legal teams were going to comb through the social media accounts of prospec­tive jurors for signs they sup­port Trump:

They are nev­er going to find some­one that does­n’t know about the for­mer twice-impeached los­er pres­i­dent. Right? They’re nev­er going to find that.
But what I did find also inter­est­ing about my …