Rom­ney calls for Sen­ate debate on May­orkas arti­cles of impeach­ment

Romney calls for Senate debate on Mayorkas articles of impeachment

One of the lead­ing Repub­li­can skep­tics of the effort to remove Home­land Secu­ri­ty Sec­re­tary Ale­jan­dro May­orkas over his han­dling of the south­ern bor­der is call­ing for debate on his impeach­ment as Democ­rats con­sid­er a quick dis­missal of the charges against him.
Sen. Mitt Rom­ney (R‑UT), who is retir­ing from the Sen­ate in Jan­u­ary, is one of a hand­ful of Repub­li­can cen­trists who could vote with Democ­rats to dis­miss the impeach­ment arti­cles once sen­a­tors are sworn in for what could be an abbre­vi­at­ed tri­al on Wednes­day.
He pre­vi­ous­ly said May­orkas, who is charged with will­ful­ly ignor­ing fed­er­al immi­gra­tion law, has not com­mit­ted the “high crimes and mis­de­meanors” that would war­rant impeach­ment.
But he, like oth­er Sen­ate Repub­li­cans, told reporters on Tues­day that he does not want to see the impeach­ment arti­cles, which passed the House in Feb­ru­ary, dis­missed with­out some sem­blance of process.
Democ­rats are wide­ly …