Sec­re­tary of ener­gy calls for home­own­ers and EV dri­vers to com­bat cli­mate change

Secretary of energy calls for homeowners and EV drivers to combat climate change

Sec­re­tary of Ener­gy Jen­nifer Granholm had lit­tle advice for cli­mate-friend­ly solu­tions out­side of home ren­o­va­tions and elec­tric vehi­cle pur­chas­es.
Granholm appeared on ABC’s The View Thurs­day ahead of Earth Day on Apr. 22, where the hosts asked her to share how their view­ers can com­bat cli­mate change. The hosts notably avoid­ed ques­tions sur­round­ing her fail­ure to dis­close her own­er­ship of six com­pa­nies’ stocks ahead of her appoint­ment as sec­re­tary.
“One of the biggest things you can do is to be able to weath­er­ize your home and there are tax cred­its asso­ci­at­ed with that doing that. So, for exam­ple, if you want to install win­dows that don’t leak out the heat in the win­ter and the cold in the sum­mer, you can get a tax cred­it for that,” Granholm said. “The sec­ond thing that peo­ple can con­sid­er is their trans­porta­tion. Mean­ing, if they switch over, if, you know, you’re in the mar­ket for a new car and you decide you want to look at elec­tric vehi­cles, this is the time. Or hybrid, hybrid-elec­tric.”

“What if you live in the projects?” host Whoopi Gold­berg asked. “What if you don’t have a home?”
Granholm ackn …