‘You Were Nego­ti­at­ing For Polit­i­cal Cov­er’: Ron John­son Exco­ri­ates May­orkas In Con­tentious Hear­ing

Posted in Trump
‘You Were Negotiating For Political Cover’: Ron Johnson Excoriates Mayorkas In Contentious Hearing

Sen­a­tor Ron John­son (R‑WI) put the screws to Home­land Secu­ri­ty Sec­re­tary Ale­jan­dro May­orkas dur­ing a Thurs­day hear­ing, accus­ing him of aid­ing and abet­ting the crimes of ille­gal immi­grants in the Unit­ed States by refus­ing to secure the south­ern bor­der.
John­son joined sev­er­al of his Repub­li­can Sen­ate col­leagues in grilling May­orkas less than 24 hours after Sen­ate Democ­rats vot­ed to kill the Repub­li­can-led House’s arti­cles of impeach­ment against the DHS Sec­re­tary.

Sen. Ron John­son accus­es May­orkas of being com­plic­it and aid­ing and abet­ting the mur­der of Amer­i­cans because of the admin­is­tra­tion’s bor­der secu­ri­ty poli­cies:
“You were nego­ti­at­ing for polit­i­cal cov­er. If you were seri­ous about secur­ing the bor­der you could have done it.” pic.twitter.com/kr2ltXKtP7
— Real Mac Report (@RealMacReport) Apr …