Biden Slammed For Remarks About Anti-Semit­ic Protests At Colum­bia

Biden Slammed For Remarks About Anti-Semitic Protests At Columbia

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden faced crit­i­cism on Mon­day for his weak response to the anti-Semit­ic protests over the week­end at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty.
The far-left pro­test­ers yelled “Stop killing chil­dren” and “Go back to Poland” as the Jew­ish stu­dents were sim­ply try­ing to get from cam­pus back to their dorm rooms. They chant­ed for Hamas to hit Tel Aviv. They tried to form a human chain to keep Jew­ish stu­dents out. One anti-Semit­ic stu­dent decid­ed to stand right in front of sev­er­al pro-Israel pro­test­ers sug­gest­ing they be killed with rock­ets.
Biden was asked …