Biden Signs For­eign Aid, Tik­Tok Bills Into Law

Biden Signs Foreign Aid, TikTok Bills Into Law

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden signed into law on Wednes­day leg­is­la­tion that pro­vides bil­lions of dol­lars in aid to sev­er­al coun­tries and forces Tik­Tok to divest from its Chi­nese par­ent com­pa­ny or face being banned in the Unit­ed States.
The law pro­vides $60 bil­lion for Ukraine, $17 bil­lion for Israel, $9 bil­lion for human­i­tar­i­an aid, and $8 bil­lion to sup­port Tai­wan. A sep­a­rate bill that Biden signed forces Tik­Tok to be sold off from ByteDance, which is con­trolled by com­mu­nist Chi­na.
Biden said sign­ing the law was a “good day for world peace” and that it would “make Amer­i­ca safer” as he spoke about the sup­port it pro­vides to Ameri …