Net­works Praise Pro-Hamas ‘Sol­i­dar­i­ty Move­ment’ Spread­ing, Pro­mote BDS

Networks Praise Pro-Hamas ‘Solidarity Movement’ Spreading, Promote BDS

The three major Amer­i­can broad­cast net­works (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were out in force Wednes­day morn­ing as all three of them took to prais­ing the pro-Hamas extrem­ists tak­ing over col­lege cam­pus­es across the coun­try. Ignor­ing the rag­ing anti­semitism that was on full dis­play and cap­tured on videos cir­cu­lat­ing on social media, they praised the “sol­idary move­ment” that was spread­ing to more cam­pus­es. They also pro­mot­ed the so-called “boy­cott, divest, and sanc­tions” move­ment, omit­ting its ant …