The Left comes for Ali­to: Recusal calls are a ‘coor­di­nat­ed’ cam­paign against Supreme Court jus­tice

The Left comes for Alito: Recusal calls are a ‘coordinated’ campaign against Supreme Court justice

Calls from Demo­c­ra­t­ic law­mak­ers and left-wing groups for Jus­tice Samuel Ali­to to recuse him­self from key cas­es over alleged ethics vio­la­tions are a “coor­di­nat­ed effort” to dele­git­imize the Supreme Court, accord­ing to experts who say the drum­beat of attacks on con­ser­v­a­tive jus­tices gets stead­ier with each pass­ing year.
The “Appeal to Heav­en” flag, one of the fore­most flags used by Patri­ot forces, includ­ing George Wash­ing­ton, dur­ing the Rev­o­lu­tion­ary War, was flown at Alito’s house last year, accord­ing to a New York Times report. This drew out­rage from Democ­rats who claim it was also a key sym­bol dur­ing the Jan. 6 riot at the Capi­tol. It marked the sec­ond time in two weeks that the justice’s flag­poles became a top­ic of con­tro­ver­sy, and the report prompt­ed calls from Sen­ate Judi­cia­ry Com­mit­tee Chair­man Dick Durbin (D‑IL) for Ali­to to recuse him­self from cas­es involv­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and the 2020 …