Roseanne Barr Slams ‘The View’ Hosts: ‘They’re All Com­mu­nist Cru­saders’

Roseanne Barr Slams ‘The View’ Hosts: ‘They’re All Communist Crusaders’

Out­spo­ken come­di­an Roseanne Barr stopped by The Michael Knowles Show to share some of her opin­ions about the activist co-hosts on “The View,” and she did not hold back with her crit­i­cisms.
As expect­ed, Whoopi Gold­berg and crew were elat­ed after for­mer pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump was found guilty in the Man­hat­tan hush-mon­ey case. Every sin­gle co-cost, includ­ing those who iden­ti­fy as Repub­li­cans, seemed to sup­port the ver­dict that’s been crit­i­cized by many legal experts.
Barr, who stars in the new Dai­ly­Wire+ ani­mat­ed com­e­dy “Mr. Birchum,” joined Knowles on Tues­day to dis­cuss the new show along with oth­er top­ics. She told Knowles that she believes that Trump is the one per­son stand­ing in the way of the nation’s destruc­tion. “We’re in liv­ing his­to­ry,” the celeb said dur­ing the pod­cast inter­view. “It’s quite bib­li­cal.”
“It’s a ter­ri …

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