Hunter Biden’s Daugh­ter Lived In White House Near The Time When She Rep­re­sent­ed For­eign Nation: Report


Gaetz accus­es McCarthy of mak­ing ‘Ukraine deal with Democ­rats’ in pass­ing stop­gap


Sen­ate Pass­es Bill To Keep U.S. Gov­ern­ment Open Through Mid-Novem­ber


Wash­Post Puffs Trump’s J‑6 Judge: Rea­son­able Yet Tough, ‘Cool­head­ed Nat­ur­al Tal­ent’


Trump splits sup­port­ers with deci­sion not to appear at GOP pri­ma­ry debates: Poll


Maher Slams ‘Despi­ca­ble’ NYT COVID ‘Hit Piece’ On DeSan­tis: ‘You Did Han­dle It Bet­ter. You Were Right’


UAP Cau­cus Denied Select Com­mit­tee; Dis­clo­sure Act Being Debat­ed In House


Vivek Ramaswamy slams House-passed stop­gap mea­sure to fund the gov­ern­ment


Christie bash­es Trump’s request for RNC to can­cel debates: ‘It’s wrong, and it’s dis­re­spect­ful’


Vivek Ramaswamy says gov­ern­ment shut­down is ‘a fake and arti­fi­cial debate’