Kristi Noem ped­dles shoe prod­uct despite law­suit over cos­met­ic den­tistry pro­mo­tion

Kristi Noem peddles shoe product despite lawsuit over cosmetic dentistry promotion

Gov. Kristi Noem (R‑SD) is tout­ing a new busi­ness prod­uct on social media, just days after a law­suit was filed against her for pre­vi­ous­ly cham­pi­oning cos­met­ic den­tistry work online.
The South Dako­ta gov­er­nor post­ed a video on X Thurs­day evening tout­ing Fit My Feet, which has sev­er­al loca­tions in the Mount Rush­more State, for build­ing Noem insoles for her run­ning shoes and cow­boy shoes.
“These guys are amaz­ing,” Noem says in the 24-sec­ond video. “I’m going to be per­fect. I’m going to be like bion­ic woman now.”

This comes as Noem faced severe flak for post­ing an unusu­al infomer­cial-style video on X late Mon­day night, with social media users call­ing the stunt “bizarre” and “pathetic.”The near­ly five-minute video showed sev­er­al close­ups of the governor’s new smile pro­vid­ed by Smile Texas, a cos­met­ic den …