No Labels wants a Repub­li­can to help take down Trump, but it could still back­fire

No Labels wants a Republican to help take down Trump, but it could still backfire

No Labels is look­ing to a Repub­li­can-led uni­ty tick­et for the 2024 elec­tion to help prop up Pres­i­dent Joe Biden in his rematch against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.Joe Lieber­man, found­ing chair­man of No Labels, told the Wash­ing­ton Post that the group is not hop­ing to boost Trump this elec­tion cycle, say­ing that stop­ping Trump “from being reelect­ed is a goal even greater than restor­ing bipar­ti­san­ship to Washington.”ELECTION 2024: FOLLOW LATEST COVERAGE
The cen­trist group could tap Geoff Dun­can, for­mer Repub­li­can lieu­tenant gov­er­nor of Geor­gia, to lead the uni­ty tick­et, accord­ing to report­ing from the Wall Street Journal.No Labels did not respond to a Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er request for com­ment.
But polit­i­cal experts remain skep­ti­cal that the third-par­ty efforts will prove suc­cess­ful in Novem­ber for many rea­sons, includ­ing lack of a nation­al fig­ure to entice vot­ers, fail­ure to reach bal­lot access in all 50 states, and the pos­si­bil­i­ty that any third-par­ty run could sink Biden’s reelec­tion efforts.
“I think what­ev­er No Labels is attempt­ing to do, the whole thing is wrong,” said Sarah Cham­ber­lain, the CEO and pres­i­dent of the Repub­li­can Main Street Part­ner­ship. “Third-par­ty can­di­dates are not going to win. The sys­tem is not built for a third-par­ty can­di­date.”
Vot­ers have lo …