Trump argues one-month New York tri­al delay is ‘not suf­fi­cient’

Trump argues one-month New York trial delay is ‘not sufficient’

Attor­neys for Don­ald Trump told a judge in New York on Fri­day that they would need more than a 30-day tri­al delay in the for­mer president’s hush mon­ey case to review tens of thou­sands of dis­cov­ery doc­u­ments they received this month.
They asked Judge Juan Mer­chan to sched­ule a hear­ing, instead of set a new tri­al date, so that par­ties in the case can review what Trump’s defense team says were dis­cov­ery vio­la­tions by Demo­c­ra­t­ic Man­hat­tan Dis­trict Attor­ney Alvin Bragg, accord­ing to a court fil­ing. The tri­al is cur­rent­ly sched­uled to begin on March 25.
“An adjourn­ment is nec­es­sary, and thir­ty days is not suf­fi­cient giv­en the vol­ume of recent­ly pro­duced mate­ri­als and the nature of the ongo­ing dis­putes,” Trump’s attor­neys wrote.
Their request for a hear­ing comes after they asked for a 90-day delay be …