WA’s lat­est car­bon auc­tion results could sig­nal bid­der feel­ings on I‑2117

WA’s latest carbon auction results could signal bidder feelings on I-2117

(The Cen­ter Square) – Results from Wash­ing­ton state’s first car­bon auc­tion of the year show a mas­sive decrease in the final set­tle­ment price for allowances, which was just above the min­i­mum bid and half of the aver­age price last year.
That could be an indi­ca­tion that Ini­tia­tive 2117, to repeal the Cli­mate Com­mit­ment Act and pro­hib­it state agen­cies from imple­ment­ing any type of car­bon tax in place of the repealed CCA, is hav­ing an effect on the state’s car­bon mar­ket.
The March 6 quart …