Mace Calls Out Stephanopou­los For ‘Rape Sham­ing’ Her Despite Work­ing For Clin­ton

Repub­li­can Rep. Nan­cy Mace joined Demo­c­ra­t­ic Rep. Ro Khan­na on Friday’s edi­tion of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher where she tus­sled with the pair over her take on her Sun­day inter­view with ABC’s George Stephanopou­los. Mace accused Stephanopou­los of “rape sham­ing” her for sup­port­ing Don­ald Trump, which she had no patience for con­sid­er­ing he is “a guy who cov­ered for the Clin­tons.”
Mace, who was raped when she was 16, gave her take on the inter­view where she was asked about Trump, her sup­port of him, and E. Jean Car­roll:

So, it takes a lot of courage, but then to feel like he was weaponizi …