CNN Guest Says Fani Willis Case Is ‘Going Nowhere’ Fast: ‘Tri­al Will Be Con­duct­ed Dur­ing The Pres­i­den­cy Of Malia Oba­ma’

CNN Guest Says Fani Willis Case Is ‘Going Nowhere’ Fast: ‘Trial Will Be Conducted During The Presidency Of Malia Obama’

For­mer fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor Jef­frey Toobin joked on Fri­day that Ful­ton Coun­ty Dis­trict Attor­ney Fani Willis’ case against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump was “going nowhere,” argu­ing that if it ever went to tri­al, for­mer First Daugh­ter Malia Oba­ma, 25, might be in the Oval Office by then.
Toobin, who spent some time away from the net­work after he was caught mas­tur­bat­ing on a zoom call with col­leagues, argued that the judge’s recent deci­sion — name­ly that Willis could remain on the case only if her hand-select­ed spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor (and for­mer boyfriend) Nathan Wade stepped aside — had effec­tive­ly stopped the case in its tracks.
“Today was a very good day for Don­ald Trump. This case is going nowhere,” Toobin said, point­ing to anoth­er RICO case in Geor­gia and not­ing that it had tak­en near­ly a year to get a jury …