RNC mem­bers push back on Trump cuts to state’s ear­ly vot­ing, minor­i­ty out­reach pro­grams

RNC members push back on Trump cuts to state’s early voting, minority outreach programs

The Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee is report­ed­ly eas­ing off plans to close minor­i­ty out­reach cen­ters and shut­ter an ear­ly vot­ing pro­gram fol­low­ing push­back from com­mit­tee mem­bers.
Both actions had been expect­ed, though nev­er for­mal­ized after for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump passed the pri­ma­ry del­e­gate thresh­old to secure the 2024 GOP nom­i­na­tion and the elec­tion of Michael What­ley and Lara Trump to serve as the committee’s next chair­man and co-chair. Since then, there has been an over­haul at the orga­ni­za­tion, and dozens of posi­tions have been cut.
What­ley sent a memo to com­mit­tee mem­bers Thurs­day overnight out­lin­ing the committee’s plans to merge assets with the Trump cam­paign, as is tra­di­tion for par­ty nom­i­nees, in which he high­light­ed the need to con­tin­ue all vot­er out­reach efforts, includ­ing rai …