State Depart­ment to char­ter flights for Amer­i­cans to leave Haiti

The State Depart­ment announced plans Sat­ur­day to get Amer­i­cans out of Haiti via char­tered flights.
“We are arrang­ing a char­ter flight for U.S. cit­i­zens with valid U.S. pass­ports from Cap-Hai­tien to the U.S.,” the depart­ment post­ed on X. “Trav­el to Cap-Hai­tien is con­duct­ed at your own risk.”

Those who qual­i­fy need to fill out an online form in order to plan their trans­porta­tion.
Cap-Hai­tien is some 130 miles north of Port au-Prince, where gangs have com­plete­ly tak­en over neigh­bor­hoods. They have man­aged to close two inter­na­tion­al air­ports in the coun­try.
Gangs began rav­aging towns and tak­ing over pris­ons to release pris­on­ers in protest of Prime Min­is­ter Ariel Hen­ry. Haiti’s most pow­er­ful gang leader, the for­mer nation­al police offi­cer Jim­my “Bar­be­cue” Cher­izier, threat­ened a civ­il war if Hen­ry did not resign, which he has since promised to do once a tem­po­rary prime min­is …

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