Biden cam­paign pulls in $53M in ‘strongest’ grass­roots fundrais­ing month yet

Biden campaign pulls in M in ‘strongest’ grassroots fundraising month yet

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden con­tin­ued his impres­sive fundrais­ing streak last month, bring­ing in $53 mil­lion in the short­ened month of Feb­ru­ary.
The president’s 2024 reelec­tion cam­paign and joint fundrais­ing com­mit­tees end­ed the month with $155 mil­lion cash on hand. Biden cam­paign offi­cials say Feb­ru­ary marked the president’s “strongest grass­roots fundrais­ing month since launch,” com­ing off a $42 mil­lion haul in Jan­u­ary, and the fourth con­sec­u­tive month of increased dona­tions.
“We’re proud of the record-break­ing fundrais­ing machine we’ve built that is going toward reach­ing the vot­ers about the stakes of this elec­tion – to expand­ing our foot­print in the states, invest­ing in paid media, and hav­ing our prin­ci­pals barn­storm the coun­try. And we’re …