John Kir­by admits fears that aid to Ukraine has affect­ed US readi­ness

John Kirby admits fears that aid to Ukraine has affected US readiness

Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil spokesman John Kir­by admit­ted that he is wor­ried about aid to Ukraine deplet­ing U.S. weapon­ry inven­to­ries.
Kir­by appeared on This Week Sun­day, where host Martha Rad­datz asked him if he wor­ries about mil­i­tary readi­ness in the U.S. after so much weapon­ry has been sent to Ukraine after Rus­sia invad­ed the coun­try more than two years ago.
“Sure. Of course. Since the begin­ning of the war, with every pack­age we pro­vid­ed, we’ve got to make a cer­ti­fi­ca­tion that it’s not gonna dam­age our own nation­al secu­ri­ty, and as we have giv­en more and deplet­ed our inven­to­ries, we have been doing every­thing we can to work with the defense indus­try to restock, to replen­ish,” Kir­by said. “That’s what this replen­ish­ment author­i­ty — why that’s so impor­tant, so yes, it’s a con­cern. We haven’t reached a point yet where our ow …