Kevin O’Leary says there is ‘no chance’ Tik­Tok will be sold for $100 bil­lion with­out algo­rithm

Kevin O’Leary says there is ‘no chance’ TikTok will be sold for 0 billion without algorithm

Bil­lion­aire and Shark Tank co-host Kevin O’Leary said there would be road­blocks relat­ed to a poten­tial pur­chase of Tik­Tok, which has been dis­cussed as a pos­si­bil­i­ty in recent weeks.
The House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives vot­ed 352–65 last week to pass the Pro­tect­ing Amer­i­cans from For­eign Adver­sary Con­trolled Appli­ca­tions Act, which would require Tik­Tok to either sep­a­rate itself entire­ly from its Chi­nese par­ent com­pa­ny ByteDance or risk get­ting banned in the Unit­ed States. O’Leary, who has described Tik­Tok as one of the largest net­works in the world, not­ed that a sale of Tik­Tok with its algo­rithm will like­ly not hap­pen, as Chi­na is pro­tec­tive of the data of its own peo­ple.
“So when peo­ple talk about this being a $100 bil­lion trans­ac­tion, no chance,” O’Leary said on Fox News’s The Sto­ry with Martha Mac­Cal­lum. “If they’re not sell­ing the algo­rithm, I have to r …