EXCLUSIVE: 82-Year-Old Woman Threat­ens Law­suit After Trans Inci­dent At YMCA Pool

EXCLUSIVE: 82-Year-Old Woman Threatens Lawsuit After Trans Incident At YMCA Pool

An 82-year-old woman who was kicked out of a Wash­ing­ton state woman is demand­ing access to a local YMCA-oper­at­ed pool after being banned from the facil­i­ty for speak­ing out against a man using the women’s lock­er room, accord­ing to a let­ter obtained exclu­sive­ly by The Dai­ly Wire. 
Julie Jaman, rep­re­sent­ed by the Cen­ter for Amer­i­can Lib­er­ty, wants an apol­o­gy from the city of Port Townsend and the YMCA after she was banned from the Moun­tain View Pool in July 2022 when she voiced her con­cerns. Jaman said that the …