Biden Impeach­ment: Pres­i­dent To Get Invite For Tes­ti­mo­ny, GOP Chair­man Says

Biden Impeachment: President To Get Invite For Testimony, GOP Chairman Says

House Over­sight Chair­man James Com­er (R‑KY) said on Wednes­day that he will invite Pres­i­dent Joe Biden to tes­ti­fy as part of the impeach­ment inquiry on alleged cor­rup­tion.
The announce­ment came at the tail-end of a pub­lic hear­ing that fea­tured the tes­ti­mo­ny of some for­mer Biden fam­i­ly asso­ciates that the president’s son, Hunter Biden, declined to attend fol­low­ing a closed-door inter­view last month.
Com­er not­ed a “mate­r­i­al dis­crep­an­cy” among wit­ness­es about whether Joe Biden was par­tic­i­pat­ing in his family’s “influ­ence ped­dling schemes” and rea­soned the pres­i­dent is the only one who can address them.

🚨 Chair­man Com­er clos­es today’s impeach­ment inquiry hear­ing by say­ing he will invite Pres­i­dent Biden to the Over­sight Com­mit­tee to pro­vide his tes­ti­mo­ny.
— Over­sight Com­mit­tee (@GOPoversight) March 20, 2024

“In the com­ing days, I will invite Pres­i­dent Biden to the Over­sight Com­mit­tee to pro­vide his tes­ti­mo­ny and explain why his fam­i­ly rec …