CNN Labels Trump’s 15-Week Abor­tion Pro­pos­al ‘Very Cal­lous’

Don­ald Trump is con­tem­plat­ing endors­ing a 15-week abor­tion ban and Wednesday’s Inside Pol­i­tics on CNN was eager to denounce it as extreme. In par­tic­u­lar, senior polit­i­cal ana­lyst Nia-Mali­ka Hen­der­son por­trayed it and Trump’s lan­guage on the issue as “very cav­a­lier” and “very cal­lous.”
Host Dana Bash hyped the idea that Democ­rats want Trump to endorse such a plan because they could use it against him “In states like Michi­gan, for exam­ple, where in 2022, the last elec­tion, they put …