Demo­c­rat Impeach­ment Stars Lash Out At Tony Bob­u­lin­s­ki After He Calls The Liars In Com­mit­tee Hear­ing

Democrat Impeachment Stars Lash Out At Tony Bobulinski After He Calls The Liars In Committee Hearing

Two Demo­c­rat impeach­ment stars lashed out at for­mer Hunter Biden busi­ness part­ner Tony Bob­u­lin­s­ki dur­ing a Wednes­day hear­ing, inter­rupt­ing Bob­u­lin­s­ki and com­plain­ing to the com­mit­tee chair because he had accused them of lying.
Reps. Jamie Raskin (D‑MD), who led the sec­ond impeach­ment against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump — and Dan Gold­man (D‑NY), who led the first — object­ed to Bobulinski’s open­ing state­ment, dur­ing which he called both of them liars.
Bob­u­lin­s­ki – who also claimed dur­ing Wednesday’s hear­ing that Hunt …