Elon Musk Posts Video Explain­ing How Democ­rats Use Ille­gal Immi­gra­tion To Increase Their Pow­er

Elon Musk Posts Video Explaining How Democrats Use Illegal Immigration To Increase Their Power

X own­er Elon Musk post­ed a video on his social media plat­form this week that explained how Democ­rats use ille­gal immi­gra­tion to increase their elec­toral pow­er.
The video post­ed by Musk comes after he has repeat­ed­ly spo­ken out about the issue as an esti­mat­ed more than 10 mil­lion ille­gal aliens have entered the U.S. under Pres­i­dent Joe Biden.
The video breaks down what it says is the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Party’s “plan to entrench sin­gle par­ty rule” in the coun­try.
“One, flood the coun­try with untold mil­lions of ille­gals by land, sea, and air from all over the world — enough to eclipse the pop­u­la­tions of 36 indi­vid­ual U.S. states so far,” the video begins. “Two, pri­or­i­tize the needs of these mil …