Irish Prime Min­is­ter Resigns Sud­den­ly

Irish Prime Minister Resigns Suddenly

Leo Varad­kar, Ireland’s taoiseach or prime min­is­ter, announced Wednes­day that he will step down in a shock­ing move.
Dur­ing a press brief­ing out­side Par­lia­ment in Dublin, Varad­kar said he was resign­ing for “per­son­al and polit­i­cal” rea­sons. He called his years lead­ing the coun­try the “most ful­fill­ing time” of his life.
“I know this will come as a sur­prise to many peo­ple and a dis­ap­point­ment to some, but I hope you will under­stand my deci­sion,” Varad­kar said dur­ing the brief­ing.
Var …